We will institute a policy support and service system and improve the mechanisms for coordinating overseas investment and risk management. 建立政策支持和服务体系,完善境外投资协调机制和风险控制机制。
'We believe that Chinese buyers in the choice of overseas investment are rational,' it said. 该公司称:我们认为中国买家在选择进行海外投资时是较为理性的。
As Chinese heavy industry moves its focus of overseas investment beyond the acquisition of iron ore and other raw materials to production facilities, other countries will have to weigh economic benefits, and environmental and other costs. 随着中国重工业行业把海外投资的侧重点从为工厂收购铁矿石和其他原材料转移至生产设施,其他国家将不得不对经济效益,以及环境和其他代价进行权衡。
However, Ms Wen points out Chinese fund companies tend to develop their own research team for overseas investment. 然而,闻群指出,中国基金公司倾向于发展自己的海外投资研究团队。
On the Present Situation and Legislative Improvement of Overseas Investment Insurance System in China 我国海外投资保险制度的现状与立法完善
Resumes of its specialized personnel engaged in overseas investment; 从事境外投资的专业人员简历;
Japan Founds in the Innovation Country to Study to the Overseas Investment 日本建立创新型国家中对海外的投资研究
Therefore, policy of every country has directed the support and encouragement of overseas investment made by enterprises. 果彼,收持和激励企业开铺海外投资未经败为世界各邦的普遍政策指背。
Overseas Investment of China's Financial Industry: Conditions, Problems and Countermeasures 中国金融业海外投资:现状、问题及对策
These Measures shall not be applicable to the foreign-invested projects and overseas investment projects. 外商投资和境外投资项目不适用本办法。
China pension fund to raise overseas investment cap. 中国养老金涉水海外投资,将增加海外投资额度。
This type of private equity fund can work with these companies and help them go out of China to do overseas investment. 此类私募股权基金可以与这些企业合作,帮助它们走出中国、进行海外投资。
That deal the biggest overseas investment yet by a Chinese group has attracted opposition from shareholders and nationalist politicians in Australia. 中铝的投资已引起了力拓股东和澳大利亚民族主义政客的反对。该交易将是中国企业迄今最大的一宗海外投资。
The deal marks its biggest overseas investment. 此交易标志着永晖迄今为止最大的一笔海外投资。
Resource investment which is more than half of the overseas investment of China is the most vital part. 资源投资在中国海外投资中占一半以上,是其中最重要的部分。
Overseas investment from Chinese groups has nearly doubled this year, according to Thomson Financial. 汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,中国企业集团今年的海外投资额已增长近一倍。
Therefore, China can consider establishing the mode of unilateral overseas investment insurance system adopted by Japan. 中国可考虑建立日本式的单边海外投资保险制度。
First, correctly guiding overseas investment to serve industrial restructuring. 第一,正确引导外资投向,为调整产业结构服务。
Eventually trade matured into FDI, and Brazil became the third-largest recipient of Japanese overseas investment in the mid-1970s. 最终,贸易演变为外国直接投资,巴西成为上世纪70年代中叶日本海外投资的第三大接受国。
A management scheme of overseas investment, operational strategies and the arrangement of trade seats, etc.; 境外投资管理方案、操作策略和交易席位安排等;
Financing overseas investment and overseas enterprise 海外投资和海外企业的资金筹措
It will encourage overseas investment by advantageous sectors and participate in international competition and cooperation in breadth and depth. 鼓励发挥中国有比较优势的对外投资,在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际竞争与合作。
The registration form of foreign exchange in overseas investment for the special purpose company; 特殊目的公司境外投资外汇登记表;
However, other experts say this phase of overseas investment is likely to be more professionally managed. 然而,其他专家表示,这一阶段的海外投资可能会得到更加专业的管理。
On the other side of the ledger, it has removed limits on overseas investment and eased restrictions on lending to foreign borrowers in an effort to encourage outflows by domestic investors. 另一方面,该国取消了对海外投资的所有限制,并放宽了对海外贷款者的贷款限制,以鼓励国内投资者对外投资。
Develop as the abidance of our country economy, more and more home companies begin to develop overseas market, have overseas investment. 随着我国经济的持续发展,越来越多的国内企业开始开拓海外市场,进行海外投资。
These are designed to provide overseas investment to Chinese retail clients and companies. 这些产品旨在为中国散户投资者和企业提供海外投资工具。
The fair has played an important role in publicizing china's policies on foreign investment attraction, promoting foreign capital inflow and guiding Chinese companies to make overseas investment. 投资贸易洽谈会在宣传中国利用外资政策,促进外商来华投资,引导中国企业到海外投资等方面发挥了重要作用。